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Spring 2012. The student strike is in full swing. What started out simply as resistance to rising tuition fees is now rapidly turning into a budding rebellion against the Liberal government and is dangerously close to becoming a general revolt. The youth of Quebec are stepping up to the barricades and I am on the front lines. I am the one who leads and energizes the crowds, stoking the fervour of their anger – an anger that has dragged Quebec from its quiet slumber. I am barely twenty-two years old and I am already a nightmare for defenders of the established order. My name is GND. As the spreading strike threatens to become a monster beyond control, I find myself drawn into a burgeoning legend that could unleash the political demons of Quebec. In spite of myself, I have become the hero of an epic saga and I must carry it through to the end. I gave my word to the people of Quebec. I intend to keep my promise.

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Applied Literature